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Business Concept

Protecting and Enhancing Client’s Image

The security service J’z will provide not only encompasses complete protection of the client but enhancement of the client’s “public image”. We are aware that we will have to deal with clients of different walks of life and that they visit many different places. J’z special agent will set a stage for an effective public and personal atmosphere to best suit the client’s business status and the visiting places. There will be a case where our female agent will be assigned to the female client when such needs arise. Our agents are trained to provide responsive services that will enhance the image of the client by fully bringing together their appearance, behavior, manner of conversation and etiquette they have acquired.

Protection from Tangible and Intangible Harms

“Harms”that are potentially inflicted upon our customers are two-folds: Tangible and intangible. Tangible harms are the ones directly relate to physical assaults and damages to personal property. While intangible harms can be described as being willful and unwarranted criticism directed against the client. We believe that the latter could cause a more detrimental damage to the clients in numerous business fields. Our agent will guard the clients against both of these potential damages. This、 we believe、 will ultimately lead to protecting the “image”of the client.

Pursuit of Quality Services

J’z agents strive to train themselves in providing quality services in terms of their appearances, behavior and etiquette. They are also required to attend a special training course provided by a first class airliner. They will take foreign language training sessions including English conversation and political and economic study courses as well, thereby brushing up their skills to serve in enhancing the customer’s “image”.

J’z emphasis is placed upon giving top priority to customer’s full satisfaction by adding more value to the customer’s inalienable “image”, paying due attention to the ever-changing social circumstances which we live in.

Our Service Territories

The coverage of our services is all over Japan; form Okinawa to Hokkaido.
We not only can meet the request from Japan but also from US, Europe and Asia. We have established reliable business associates and partners worldwide and can provide coordination service to meet the customer needs.

<Places where we have provided our services in the past are as follows:>
Japan: Hokkaido, Sendai, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Okinawa and other areas
Overseas: USA, UK, France, Italy, China, Korea, Taiwan and other areas

VIP Access
